Public Enemy No. 1 by Josh Sands

Public Enemy No. 1, 2017 oil and acrylic on canvas, wood fence board, faucet hardware, borosilicate glass, public enemy tape, player, and headphones

Displayed here we see the struggle of the young artist to find his identity through the medium of mundane yardwork.


Dreamers No. 1 by Josh Sands

Dreamers No. 1, 2019

borosilicate glass, metal bird cage, toddler clothes and shoes, toothpaste and brushes, candle holder tray

It’s a sad and alarming place to be coming from, first as an artist and second as a new parent, to be morally forced into creating a piece that reflects the atrocities of our times. In my own powerless way I decided that I could at least make a piece that highlights the horror of kids in cages if in fact I am unable to stop it. All politics aside having two small children and constantly being confronted with this reality in visual form, albeit an ongoing reality; one that started some time ago, happened to be for me an overpowering emotional event and required a visual rebuttal.


More books by Josh Sands

More books, 2011

…I think I may have made more than this too.

a burning bible with glass flames

a burning bible with glass flames

literature with Monarch butterfly and reeds

literature with Monarch butterfly and reeds

dictionary with glass arrows (history is told by the victors)

dictionary with glass arrows (history is told by the victors)

short story fiction with NES controller

short story fiction with NES controller

I.E.D.'s by Josh Sands

Improvised Explosive Devices, 2011, mixed media, borosilicate glass


I guess I just found it amusing to see bombs made out of glass. At first my interest was in the simple joy of creating the colored wires, but at some point I was struck by ideas of glass and it’s fragility relating to the human body and time. Anyway not a real deep one, mostly just pop and cartoonish fun, placing bombs inside books and lunch. Sometimes you just need to goof off a bit.

An old timey bomb in a McD’s container, complete with a piece of glass lettuce. HeHe.

An old timey bomb in a McD’s container, complete with a piece of glass lettuce. HeHe.

First Street Art Piece, 2011 by Josh Sands

The VERY FIRST Street Glass Piece ever! 2011

This is my first attempt at installing glass art onto a fixture of the urban/street environment. It’s real rudimentary and unrefined, the glass sculpting is far from spectacular and the shape is wonky, but I really love it and am quite proud of the piece!


Early Street Artchaeology Experiments by Josh Sands

Early Street Artchaeology Experiments 2013


Here are my first few experiments with re-working found paint, and the detritus associated with graffiti and street art. These photos are process and work-in-progress shots from my time in the studio creating the first few pieces. The process consisted of layering and embedding the paint onto a surface and then sanding, chipping away, and repainting the surface in order to create a composition with the desired aesthetic and artistic qualities.


Glass and Nature by Josh Sands

My earliest experiments with glass and nature, 2008

2012-05-26 18.00.43.jpg

My early days in glassblowing were learning how to shape, work with color and form. Using nature as my inspiration and experimentation site I took my practice out into the world to find interesting photos of the work. This inspiration later became my street art.